Scientist for an Evil Organization Volume 1 Chapter 9 part 1

Chapter 9: About the Subordinates Part 2

122: Hakase
I’m starting to think it might be better if I just openly work as a main operative for the Evil Army.
123: Anonymous Combatant
What brought this on all of a sudden?
124: Anonymous Combatant
Is it about that M-guy business?
125: Anonymous Combatant

12-year-old’s managing your ejclt*ns is definitely guilty no matter how you look at it.
126: Hakase
Nah, it’s something different this time. But again, one of the soldiers caused an incident.
127: Anonymous Combatant
Delnkeim always has someone messing up, huh?
128: Anonymous Combatant
And then the Hakase gets scolded by the Leader.
129: Hakase
Fufun, don’t think I’ll always be on the defensive.
This time, I arranged a discussion with the Leader so we could properly understand the situation.
Specifically, we had a takoyaki party in my room.
130: Anonymous Combatant
You all need more self-awareness as an evil organization!
131: Anonymous Combatant
You say it’s inexhaustible and tough, but you’re just good friends, aren’t you?
132: Hakase
Well, we can joke around because we’re close.
Now, the members involved in this incident are:

  • Soldier N-Taro (Childhood friend and lover of Soldier Yaka)
  • Soldier S-Yaka (The soldiers’ idol)
  • Soldier C-Man (Womanizer, will do “that” if you touch his cat ears)
    And the takoyaki party members:
  • Me (providing the room and prep)
  • The Leader (guest, bought juice)
  • Cat-Ear Kunoichi (cooking, planned the takoyaki party)

133: Anonymous Combatant
N-Taro and Yaka have Japanese names, but the soldiers are basically from another dimension, right?
134: Anonymous Combatant
That cat-eared girl just casually there.
Is Soldier C-Man the same C (Charming) Male mentioned before?
135: Anonymous Combatant
So the cat-eared girl wanted to do takoyaki?
136: Hakase
» 133 Yeah, I just gave them Japanese-style names for this thread.
So N-Taro is a soldier in the Supplies Division, mainly doing warehouse organization and equipment management.
While the Combat Division is deserting their duties, he’s been diligently working behind the scenes, so I rate him highly.
He turned 21 this year, I think?
137: Anonymous Combatant
The fact that just working diligently earns high praise shows how much the Hakase has to deal with.
138: Hakase
N-Taro has a childhood friend named S-Yaka (19 years old) from his hometown.
She works in the Communications Division comm room. Like I-Na, she’s one of the four most popular soldier idols. But I guess because of how long they’ve known each other, she and N-Taro are lovers.
139: Anonymous Combatant
Nice, a childhood friend as a girlfriend. I just wanted a life where my childhood friend wakes me up in the morning.
140: Hakase
I’m sure they’ve done all the typical childhood friend cliche stuff you’d imagine.
This was right when I thought they were about to get married – that’s when N-Taro came to me for advice.
N-Taro: “Hakase… I think S-Yaka might be cheating on me.”
Huh? I’m a chief officer, you know? Are you sure you’re asking the right person?
N-Taro: “But…I thought if it was the Hakase, you wouldn’t turn me away.”
Am I really held in such high regard?


141: Anonymous Combatant
The awareness that even the soldiers will handle things if asked is firmly established now.
142: Anonymous Combatant
That’s good though, they’re relying on you!
143: Hakase
N-Taro is about the only one who’d say something like that to me.
I can’t fully accept it, but I listened to what he had to say regardless.
144: Anonymous Combatant
But you ended up taking it on anyway!
145: Anonymous Combatant
Just as expected, huh.
146: Hakase
He told me tearfully that “I saw -SYaka “hugging” Soldier C-Man alone.”
He had photographic evidence of the two hugging.
However, S-Yaka’s face couldn’t be seen. C-Man is a womanizer who casually goes after taken women, so this was probably one of those situations.
147: Anonymous Combatant
It must be rough finding out about cheating when you’re at the stage of considering marriage.
148: Anonymous Combatant
I’m absolutely against cuckolding.
149: Anonymous Combatant
I get excited by 18+ fiction but hate real-life NTR.
150: Hakase
The problem is that N-Taro came to me for this advice during the takoyaki party, showing no shame.
Leader: “…Why did you have to barge in to consult about this?” (huffing)
Cat-Ear: “This is a takoyaki party, nya.” (munching)
N-Taro: “Well, I thought a woman’s opinion would be helpful too.”
Seriously, if you have the guts to interrupt, why not just confront S-Yaka directly?
And you two, stop eating for a bit?
151: Anonymous Combatant
This organization is unbelievable. Nothing but idiots from top to bottom.
152: Anonymous Combatant
A homely evil organization!
153: Hakase
Since we were there anyway, I figured I’d get Cat-Ear’s opinion too for this big consultation.
I did offer N-Taro some takoyaki at least.
N-Taro: “I think S-Yaka might be cheating on me.”
Me: “Well to start, her hugging another guy when she has a boyfriend is cheating itself, isn’t it?”
Leader: “Now, let’s not jump to conclusions. Maybe she was just helping him up after a fall.”
Cat-Ear: “Yes, more takoyaki please, nya.”
Leader: “Yay!”
Seems the Leader really liked the takoyaki, happily munching away.
Me: “Personally, I’m against S-Yaka being alone with C-Man in private at all.”
Cat-Ear: “It’s awful for a woman to do that when she has a lover, nya.” (munch munch)
Leader: “I agree. But whether we label it ‘cheating’ is another matter.” (munch munch)
Me: “Ah, is this the ‘is kissing cheating’ debate?”
Leader: “Indeed. It’s possible S-Yaka doesn’t consider this level of contact as cheating.”
The Leader actually took the consultation pretty seriously.
154: Anonymous Combatant
While her management ability is low, the Leader is fundamentally a good person, huh?
155: Anonymous Combatant
That’s part of why Japan hasn’t suffered much damage, thanks to the Leader’s policies.
156: Anonymous Combatant
But geez, she’s really chowing down on that takoyaki!
157: Hakase
Me: “What would you consider cheating then, Cat-Ear?”
Cat-Ear: “If you have a self-made posters of other women and putting them up in your room, nya.”
Leader: “Ah, yes, that would definitely count.”
For some reason, I feel called out there.
N-Taro: “I always thought S-Yaka and I would get married. But then she spread her legs for C-Man…”
Me: “Hey, mind the explicit language while the Leader and Cat-Ear are here?”
I did show some consideration, at least.
Cat-Ear: “Katsuobushi is delicious…but I don’t get the point of aonori seaweed, nya.”
Leader: “It adds aroma, but it does get stuck in your teeth.”
Seems they were losing interest by this point.
Leader: “In any case, rather than speculating if S-Yaka cheated, you have no choice but to find out the truth.”
N-Taro: “I understand, but…”
Leader: “So Hakase, could you please look into this?”
Yeah, I expected that.
158: Anonymous Combatant
The Hakase’s workload just keeps increasing seamlessly!
159: Anonymous Combatant
It’s becoming a set pattern, huh?
160: Hakase
And so the takoyaki party came to a close.
While it was enjoyable to an extent, N-Taro’s interruption prevented us from fully relaxing. So we made plans to have a robot anime movie viewing in the Leader’s private room next time.
161: Anonymous Combatant
You’re all just friends at this point, aren’t you?

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