Scientist for an Evil Organization Volume 1 Chapter 7 part 1

Chapter 7: The cat-ear Kunoichi’s Circumstances

822: Hakase
Everyone, listen up, this is serious.
823: Anonymous Combatant
Oh Hakase. What’s up, talk about Lurun-chan’s new costume?
824: Anonymous Combatant
Following Eres-chan, Lurun-chan’s new form has high level of in beautiful girl power too.
A miracle fairy who’s cute yet lewd.
825: Anonymous Combatant
A fancy green thin leotard with frills, but her armpits and back are still exposed, quite the bold solution.
826: Hakase
I made sure to get Lurun-chan’s Sacred Spirit Heaven Form thoroughly captured by the Photo Monstrosity Camecollion.
It really is something else. She gives off a more mature, refined aura of beauty rather than just cute now. That girl is definitely going to grow into a stunning woman.
827: Anonymous Combatant
The Photo Monstrosity Camecollion – its name and abilities are self-explanatory.
828: Anonymous Combatant
Definitely specialized in low-angle upskirt shots.
829: Anonymous Combatant
Seriously, share those photos man.
830: Hakase
Actually, I got some of Eres-chan’s form too.
And after transforming, I got this message from Lurun-chan:
Lurun: “Hakase, listen! Something really great happened to me!”
Me: “Is that so? Then we must celebrate.”
Lurun: “Yayy. Then I want you to take me out to play together sometime, okay?”
Me: “Of course, my princess’s wishes are my command.”
Lurun: “Ehehe, your princess… Hakase, I’m looking forward to your next day off!”
She seemed in such a good mood. Ah, Lurun-chan is just too cute.
831: Anonymous Combatant
Regarding them getting along well now.
832: Anonymous Combatant
Somehow they exchanged contact information without realizing it.
833: Anonymous Combatant
This is bad, the Hakase might become the second M-man.
834: Hakase
My recommendation is Fiona-tan. …No, that’s not it! This is a disaster!
835: Anonymous Combatant
An adult making promises to call a young girl in her early teens a “princess” is certainly disastrous.
836: Anonymous Combatant
What’s wrong, did the leader bully you again?
837: Anonymous Combatant
We’re always on standby to witness your unsightly behavior.
838: Hakase
Hey, wait, what’s my position supposed to be here?
Nevermind that, this is a genuinely urgent crisis we’re facing.
839: Anonymous Combatant
Ooh, sounds like a serious issue?
840: Hakase
Extremely serious. Everyone, listen carefully….
The cat-ear Kunoichi in our ranks has awakened to an interest in fashion.
841: Anonymous Combatant
842: Anonymous Combatant
Uh, huh?
843: Anonymous Combatant
How is that a crisis exactly?
844: Anonymous Combatant
Isn’t the cat-ear Kunoichi around the same age as Eres-chan?
She looked like 14-15 years old, so that’s pretty normal, right?
845: Hakase
What!? Why are you all being so calm about this!?
846: Anonymous Combatant
Well when you put it like that…
847: Anonymous Combatant
I don’t really get why you’re freaking out, Hakase.
848: Anonymous Combatant
Just explain it to us step-by-step?
849: Hakase
R-Right, I should.
I first met the cat-ear Kunoichi about 3 years ago when she was 12 years old.
It was around the time the previous leader passed away and we had a lot of defectors. We were desperately trying to recruit more people when she was brought in as a potential executive member.
850: Anonymous Combatant
So not promoted from within, but an outside hire?
851: Hakase
Yeah. In our dimension, there’s something akin to what you’d call ninjutsu here.
Not historical, but fictional creative ninjutsu.
The cat-ear Kunoichi was the daughter of the head of a family specializing in assassination, spying, and the like using those ninja skills.
852: Hakase
However, the family head favored the daughter from his concubine over his official wife’s daughter, the cat-ear Kunoichi.
And we were a rather infamous organization thanks to the previous leader, you see.
The head was like “I reckon we could be useful to ye’. With the old boss gone, ye’ must be in a tight spot. Take this daughter, use ‘er as ye’ please. But ye’ll let me in on the profits in return, ay?”
She was really clinging to me, you know.
In other words, the less cute daughter was probably someone’s bodyguard, and maybe even an assassin meant to kill the leader if needed.
853: Anonymous Combatant
Clearly just scum.
854: Anonymous Combatant
So someone like her with cat ears ended up becoming an executive…
855: Anonymous Combatant
Surely it can’t be about some terrible, evil story.
856: Hakase
I was furious! I sent in villains and evil spirit soldiers to destroy their home! Heheh ☆
857: Anonymous Combatant
Yeah, good job Hakase!
858: Anonymous Combatant
Serves them right! Serves them right!
859: Anonymous Combatant
Nice one!


860: Hakase
As a result, only the cat-ear Kunoichi was left, and when I asked her what to do, she said “I’ll go with you” so I took her back to the organization.
The leader was a bit angry but had this “Hah, this executive really does whatever he wants (snicker)” kind of feel.
861: Anonymous Combatant
The Black Leader does seem basically sensible, despite running an evil organization.
862: Hakase
And then somehow I ended up becoming the cat-ear Kunoichi’s instructor.
Why me when we had Big Bro, Gorimacho and Sexyyy at the time?
863: Anonymous Combatant
Reassuringly still the same old Black as ever.
864: Anonymous Combatant
The leader probably figures she can just leave things to the Hakase, huh?
865: Anonymous Combatant
If you take in a stray cat, it’s only natural you have to take care of it yourself?
866: Hakase
So this is how things went after the previous leader passed away:

Mass defections from the organization, the cat-ear Kunoichi joins, I become her instructor.
Half a year later, the cat-ear Kunoichi gets promoted to executive and starts beating me in one-on-one fights.

The invasion of Japan begins. Around 1.5 years ago, the fight with Lost Fairies starts.
After a while, the executives like Big Bro defect, and I become the acting chief executive.

I get hooked on cup ramen. Big Bro opens a tea shop. Fiona is cute.
The leader gets into anime, especially robot anime.

I’m amazed by the quality of Japanese frozen foods. Make a Fiona poster.
Watch anime with the leader but it gets awkward due to the high skin exposure in the OP.
…And that’s how things went.
Heheh, I never thought she’d surpass me in just half a year after I so arrogantly welcomed her…
867: Anonymous Combatant
Didn’t need any of that second half info.
868: Anonymous Combatant
Thought she was disliked but he’s actually close with the leader, huh?
869: Anonymous Combatant
The Hakase really is the weakest of the four kings.
870: Hakase
I’ve been looking after the cat-ear Kunoichi since she was 12 years old.
But then she suddenly started caring about fashion…just what happened…?
871: Anonymous Combatant
Sounds like an emergency from a parental perspective.
By the way, is the cat-ear Kunoichi cute?
872: Anonymous Combatant
As a father figure, it would be worrying when your daughter suddenly gets into sexier stuff.
873: Anonymous Combatant
Like any of us nyanJ people would have a wife or daughter!
874: Anonymous Combatant
Wait, was the Hakase saying he wants to date Fiona, around the same age as the girl he’s been raising?
875: Hakase
Hm? Well in our dimension, 15 is considered an adult, so it’s legally fine.
Going after a 12-year-old like IN-chan would make you a lolicon though.
In our world, we call lolicons “Eltefels” – named after Elte, the eternally beautiful loli goddess of love.
876: Anonymous Combatant
I guess terms change with different worlds.
877: Hakase
»871 She’s cute. Doesn’t talk much and her expression doesn’t change much, but she’s quite mischievous.
She has silver semi-long hair lighter than mine and red eyes. People say we look like siblings when together.
A bit taller than Eres, with a toned, slender build from training.
The cat ears are a trait of the Myao minority race, and she has a tail too.
This race is naturally gifted with high spiritual power and physical abilities.
She ends her sentences with “nya”!
878: Anonymous Combatant
A quiet, silver-haired cat-ear Kunoichi, huh…
879: Anonymous Combatant
Seriously, 15 is legal…? I’m going to that paradise!
880: Anonymous Combatant
But you know, getting into fashion is normal for that age.
Trying to butt in too much will just annoy her, won’t it?
881: Anonymous Combatant
»879 It doesn’t mean you can just date 15-year-olds by going there though.
882: Anonymous Combatant
Don’t ruin my dreams…
883: Hakase
»880 Well, that’s the thing? Her interest in fashion itself is part of the issue.
884: Anonymous Combatant
885: Anonymous Combatant
Is it like she’s not used to it so she dresses weirdly?
Typical cringey overly made-up look that’s scary?
886: Hakase
Nah, the cat-ear Kunoichi is beautiful and her fashion sense is good.
…The problem is the places she’s been wearing those outfits!
Like beside the leader while dressed in a cute frilly coord instead of her executive uniform – what kind of heart did she have to pull off something so bold!?
887: Anonymous Combatant
Aren’t there any normal executives?
888: Anonymous Combatant
The cat-ear Kunoichi sounds cute!

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