835: Hakase
The biggest issue was their differing stances:
Leader: “We will proceed with the previous leader’s plan to invade Japan. But we must minimize casualties.”
Bro: “At that point it’s no longer the previous leader’s plan. Then we should stop the invasion from the start.”
Leader: “So you’re saying we should abandon my father’s wishes entirely!”
Bro: “You’re the one mistaking your father’s wishes. Once we came to Japan, your father’s goals were achieved, making further invasion meaningless. Maintaining this just increases our soldiers’ burden. We should consider disbanding the organization.”
Leader: “How can we do that! As my father’s only child, I must inherit what he created and fulfill his dying wish!”
Bro: “Forcing the wishes of the dead onto the living members of the organization?”
Neither would budge an inch. Finally, driven by emotion, the leader shouted:
Leader: “Then you are exiled from this organization, big bro!”
836: Anonymous Combatant
The leader wants to follow the dad’s wishes but doesn’t want deaths.
Bro liked the old violent evil organization, but is ok disbanding if it’s tough on the soldiers.
Kinda at cross-purposes, it seems?
837: Anonymous Combatant
Also, what does he mean their goal was achieved by coming to Japan?
838: Unnamed combatant.
Big bro didn’t abandon his chief, he was banished…
839: Hakase
After big bro was expelled from the organization, those who were dissatisfied with the leader increased even further.
Sexy and GoriMaccho were at the forefront of this.
He himself was nonchalantly like “Well, it’s a good opportunity, so maybe I’ll open a cafe instead.”
Even the idol battle member A-chan said “I want to be with Big Bro!” and followed him, and Sexy is a regular at the cafe too.
840: Anonymous Combatant
Got expelled from the evil organization but now runs a cafe with the beautiful girl soldiers.
841: Anonymous Combatant
The leader doesn’t seem like a bad guy, so I hope no one gives the leader too hard of a time…
842: Anonymous Combatant
Getting to the root of it, why did Delnkeim, or the previous leader, want to invade Japan in the first place?
We can’t really take a side without understanding that.
843: Hakase
The organization’s ultimate goal wasn’t really to invade Japan.
The root purpose was to come to Japan itself.
Or more accurately, to come to this peaceful, food-filled island nation from another dimension.
844: Anonymous Combatant
Huh? Not an invasion?
845: Anonymous Combatant
What do you mean?
846: Hakase
The current leader has had an incurable disease since childhood. In our terms, you could call it “air hypersensitivity syndrome.”
Air is a mixture of various gases, right?
The leader has severe allergic reactions when exposed to certain substances in the air.
And there’s no established treatment for it.
So just by breathing, the leader’s body deteriorates, inevitably reaching its limit.
847: Anonymous Combatant
Whoa, seriously…?
848: Anonymous Combatant
Ah, I see.
So that’s why Big Bro said “The goal was achieved the moment we came to Japan.”
849: Hakase
Originally, the previous leader wanted to find a way to cure the current leader’s illness.
But when it became clear it was incurable, he switched to a different plan.
Essentially, to “invade and claim territory in another dimension where the air doesn’t contain the substances that trigger the allergic reaction.”
Japan happened to meet those conditions, that’s all.
Since the root issue is the leader’s illness, if that wasn’t a problem, there’d be no need for invasion.
850: Hakase
However, the previous leader aimed to eliminate any opposition and make it a land they could do as they pleased.
Since we could come here, it meant visitors from other dimensions could too.
He wanted to make Japan a garden for the leader and a fortress against outside threats.
But he passed away before putting it into action.
851: Hakase
So the leader thought “The plan my father started for my sake – fulfilling it and expanding his organization would be a tribute to him.”
In contrast, Big Bro interpreted it as “The previous leader simply wanted a place his child could live peacefully. If the leader can live calmly, there’s no need for invasion, and the bloody organization could be dissolved.”
Their conflicting views on the previous leader’s intentions led to the expulsion.
852: Anonymous Combatant
Geez, how heartbreaking…
853: Anonymous Combatant
From the leader’s perspective, Big Bro’s proposal probably seemed like belittling their father’s great work.
But really, Big Bro likely just wanted the leader to live peacefully more than anything.
They’re both just bad at expressing themselves.
854: Anonymous Combatant
Big Bro probably wanted the leader to quit the evil organization, huh.
855: Anonymous Combatant
But you know, since the invasion doesn’t feel real, I can kinda understand the leader’s feelings too.
856: Hakase
Big Bro left the organization without resisting. But there’s a vacant room in his current home.
Probably so someone can just move in right away if they show up.
The leader publicly stated that, of the executives, only Big Bro remains.
My role will never lose the word “deputy” from now on.
Even if we’re not blood-related, family does resemble each other.
857: Anonymous Combatant
Those two are way too clumsy.
858: Anonymous Combatant
Wait, knowing this context changes the meaning of “the Hakase being burdened with endless work”…
859: Anonymous Combatant
Hakase, you’re honestly capable enough to make it anywhere else, aren’t you?
Is that kind of the reason you stay under this shitty evil organisation?
860: Hakase
I think everyone’s guesses are correct.
It’s me, Cat-Ear Kunoichi, and maybe a handful of others at most.
With the previous leader and Big Bro gone, the leader has that few people left that the leader can fully trust and confide the wishes in.
861: Anonymous Combatant
Not that the leader relies on the Hakase, more that the leader has no one else to rely on, huh.
862: Anonymous Combatant
The poor leader…
863: Hakase
Someone asked before why I don’t just quit this evil organization and its crap. Let me be clear:
It’s true the leader irrationally yells at me and burdens me with work every day.
It’s stressful enough that I vent by making stupid threads.
But I won’t abandon the 14-year-old child who lost their father and felt forced to expel their brother, even until my dying breath.
I am and will remain the evil organization’s scientist to the very end.
So from here on out, I remain an enemy of the Japanese people.
I can’t apologize or ask for forgiveness, that’s just how it is.
864: Anonymous Combatant
865: Anonymous Combatant
Dude, you should rethink your life choices a bit.
866: Anonymous Combatant
To be fair, he did say from the start he was an evil scientist. Seems that’s something the Hakase can’t compromise on.
867: Anonymous Combatant
By the way, is the leader a boy or a girl?
868: Anonymous Combatant
With that old-fashioned way of talking, I figured they were a loli.
869: Anonymous Combatant
I got more of a shota vibe.
870: Anonymous Combatant
I’m team loli.
871: Anonymous Combatant
You guys can’t stay serious for 5 minutes!?
872: Anonymous Combatant
What did you expect from a NyanJ crowd…
873: Hakase
Neither actually.
The leader and previous leader belong to a race called “Amusorals” that exists in our dimension.
Their ancestors were supposedly high-level spiritual beings, so they’re born with highly exalted souls.
Amusorals have no gender until age 15.
Between 15 and 16 they waver between male and female, then at 16 they choose their identity – man, woman, or genderless.
So the current leader is an adorable little “agender” child.
874: Anonymous Combatant
A sweet androgynous leader…!?
875: Anonymous Combatant
Both a boy and a girl? That’s… delicious!
876: Anonymous Combatant
Hakase, you switched gears way too fast!
877: Anonymous Combatant
Yep, that’s the Hakase alright.
878: Hakase
Think about it. I put up with all that irrational crap and suffering, you know?
If the leader was an ugly old man, I’d have quit ages ago.
879: Anonymous Combatant
A shockingly persuasive argument.
880: Anonymous Combatant
Just when it was getting wholesome lol
881: Anonymous Combatant
Way to ruin it all lmao
882: Anonymous Combatant
But hey, can’t argue with that logic.
883: Hakase
By the way, the reason the previous leader recruited me was “We need an invention to cure the leader’s illness.”
So I provided the technology to construct a base in a phase-shifted parallel space.
As long as they stay isolated there, they’ll be fine in the original dimension. But out of parental love, the sun’s light should be allowed sometimes.
Which means the base can’t be maintained without me, so I’m stuck either way.
884: Anonymous Combatant
These bombshell facts just casually dropped in a trashy thread…!?
885: Anonymous Combatant
886: Anonymous Combatant
Oh no! We learned Delnkeim’s secret base intel by accident!
Well not like we can do anything about it, but still.
887: Anonymous Combatant
TV commentators discuss Delnkeim so seriously, but we already know way more than them lol
888: Anonymous Combatant
Serious discussions never last long. It’s both a good and bad part of NyanJ.
So feel free to keep posting, Hakase. Everyone will forget by tomorrow anyway.
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