To me, this world appeared to be a fantasy world, the kind found in imagination. In fact, it seems that magic and such things exist here. Domoto raised his index finger, and a small flame suddenly appeared at its tip. Seeing my surprise, Tsuji and Sato chuckled, but I could no longer even react to that.
According to Domoto, various other worlds exist alongside our own world. Apparently, dimensional distortions occur occasionally in each of these worlds, and we fell through one of these distortions into this world.
They learned about this from the woman from earlier and the clergy members here.
“Learned? You mean you can understand the language of the people here?”
“I see. You still don’t understand, do you?”
Saying that, Domoto turns to the woman who brought me here and says something in the same incomprehensible language she used earlier. “■■■■■■■■■”
The woman, seeming to understand, immediately left the room.
“Here… it’s better not to think with the common sense you had in Japan. Everything is mind-blowing.”
“…What do you mean?”
“There’s only one language in this world. So there are no dialects, no language barriers between countries.”
“Only one… language?”
“Yes. Language is something given by God. Children don’t learn to speak no matter how old they get. And when they reach the right age, they’re fed the ‘Fruit of Knowledge’.”
“Fruit of Knowledge? …Like Adam and Eve?”
“It might be something similar. And that’s when children first learn to speak. Language isn’t something you learn. It’s given by God.”
“…What the hell is that?”
“This isn’t Earth. Everything is different. Understand? Don’t think of our relationship as Sensei and student anymore. We’re in a whole different world now.”
Domoto emphasizes his last words, addressing me directly. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.
“…Still, you guys are students, and I’m a Sensei.”
“Heh, let’s see how long you can keep saying that.”
Just then, the woman from earlier approaches with a basket in her hand.
She takes out a fruit that looks like an apple and offers it to me. As I freeze at the sight of it, Domoto urges me to eat. I accept the fruit.
…This situation. …I guess I have no choice but to eat it. I nervously bring the fruit to my mouth.
It’s much more sour compared to Japanese apples. I ate it, but I don’t feel any change… Of course not, even if it had an effect, it would need to be digested in the stomach or intestines first—.
“How does it taste?”
“…Huh? What? No… The language…”
The woman called Miree speaks to me. This time, I understand her perfectly. Damn it. I can’t comprehend this at all. Judging from the scenery outside the window and such, this must really be happening. I’m forced to accept this fact.
“See? You get it now, right? Better discard your Japanese sensibilities quickly.”
“Ah… no… but…”
“It’s time to go. We don’t have much time to stay here. Ask Miree about the rest.”
Saying that, Domoto calls out to the other students.
“Sensei… Are you okay?”
The first-year student, Sakuragi, calls out to me as if worried. Nishina notices this and pauses for a moment, but from behind, Tsuji shouts, “First years! Hurry up!”
I understand that the senior-junior relationship might be more important to mind than the sensei-student relationship here. Just the caring attitude shown by the two first-years makes me feel somewhat relieved.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll get an explanation from this woman. You guys be careful too.”
After sending them off with those words, I decided to hear what Miree had to say.
We’re left alone in the spacious dining hall.
“You understand… the situation we’re in, right?”
“Yes, it happens from time to time in this world.”
“Are there others in the same situation?”
“Well, this place is kind of an entrance for those from other worlds…”
“Is it like kidnapping or abduction?”
“No, that’s not it. It’s said that distortions naturally occur between worlds. And those who fall into these distortions are saved by God.”
“…Distortions? God?”
“Yes, we don’t know why these distortions occur, but…”
“So is this God from our world or this world?”
“I’ve heard it’s the God of both worlds.”
“Both? And is there a way to return to the original world?”
“I haven’t heard of anyone returning…”
“But even if it’s me, those kids are still children. They have parents and friends in the original world. Are you saying they should abandon all that and live in this world? How sad do you think their parents would be if their children suddenly disappeared?”
“P-Please calm down!”
Before I knew it, I had gotten a bit excited and was pressing her. It’s not this girl’s fault. Feeling awkward, I step back from Miree. I need to calm down. I tell myself this and take a deep breath. Just like before, I feel my emotions settling in an almost mysterious way.
“I’m sorry.”
“No… I understand how you feel…”
“Come to think of it, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. My name is Kusunoki Shigeto. Kusunoki is my family name, or perhaps I should say house name. Shigeto is my given name.”
“Mr. Shigeto, then. I’m Miree Urania. Please call me Miree.”
I calm down a bit and look at Miree in front of me. She’s indeed quite different from Japanese people. I end up staring at her intently, and Miree looks down shyly.
I realized my mistake and hurriedly apologize multiple times.
Seeing that I’ve calmed down, Miree says she’ll prepare a meal and heads to the back of the dining hall. Now that she mentions it, I am quite hungry. It’s natural, having slept for three days.
The story Miree told me after that was quite difficult for me to understand. But according to Miree, the students seemed to accept it rather quickly. Can they really accept the reality of being separated from their families and friends, never to meet again, so easily?
Seeing my inability to accept this, Miree asks if I remember being bathed in light in the cave.
“Before I passed out, I remember feeling like various things were entering me.”
“It’s said that when people come to this world, their bodies and minds are adjusted so they can quickly adapt to this world. It’s also called God’s light, and by receiving that light, you gain magical powers and protection from spirits that don’t exist in the other world.”
“Adjusting the mind? Is that why. Indeed, even regarding not being able to return to Japan…”
“It’s said that emotional ties are also severed at that time. That’s the kind of effect it’s believed to have.”
“I see… Is that why even when I feel anxious, taking a deep breath calms me down?”
“With deep breaths?”
“Yes, it’s a sensation I’ve never had before.”
“That’s… hmm. I haven’t heard much about that…”
Miree tilts her head at my words.
Even so, I too have parents and friends. It’s strange that I’m not more troubled by this when I think about it calmly. I see, adjustment…
Come to think of it…
“By the way, you mentioned magic just now, right? Is that what Domoto showed me earlier? Do I… have such powers too?”
“Magic varies greatly between individuals, but… actually, the younger you are when you receive the light, the easier it is to accept the power, and the more powerful abilities you can gain. …As for how much magic Mr. Shigeto can use, we still…”

Hmm. So at thirty-two, I’m not considered young anymore. In the field of education as a Sensei, I’m treated as a complete novice, and in my mind I still felt young, so this is a bit of a shock.
“Can we check this magical power right away?”
“We’ll have that examined later. Before that, let me briefly explain about this world.”
“Huh? Oh, right. Please do.”
While I’m certainly curious about magic… Yeah, I should listen to the explanation properly.
She explained that these islands floating in the sky are all temples dedicated to the god of this world. There’s only one god, and consequently only one religion worshipping this god in this world.
Also, those who come from other worlds must descend to the lower world from the temple on the sixth day.
This sky temple is also an entrance from other worlds and is considered a holy site, normally inaccessible without permission. Those who have transferred from other worlds are treated as guests invited by God and are allowed to stay. That period is six days.
“Six days… By the way, does the time I spent sleeping count?”
“…It does count. However, we can follow up at the temple in the lower world.”
This must be what Domoto meant when he said “we don’t have much time.” It seems they’re currently training in magic usage and fighting techniques according to each person’s aptitude. They also learn about this world’s culture and common sense during this time.
“Fighting techniques? Is this world so dangerous that we need to learn how to fight?”
“Well, yes. There are many monsters in this world, and conflicts between humans too. Naturally, it’s better to know how to protect yourself.”
“However, those who come from other worlds and are bathed in the altar’s light are given stronger abilities by God than ordinary people, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem for normal living.”
“But as you said earlier, the older you are, the weaker the power you can receive, right?”
“Yes… The fact that it took so long for Mr. Shigeto to wake up is also because the older you are, the more time it takes to adapt to this world’s power.”
“…I see.”
“Ah, but this is just a tendency, so until we do the examination…”
“Right, thank you.”
I then heard about life after descending from the temple to the lower world.
As mentioned earlier, the abilities of people who have transferred tend to be higher than those born in this country because they receive God’s light directly. Therefore, countries seeking talent often approach them with recruitment offers. Usually, people look at these conditions and choose a country they like to live in.
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