Aoi fell silent, sighed deeply, and then spoke.
“… Action Seal Freeze.”
Immediately after, magic was invoked and Rocks froze like a statue. Next to him, Felter, who had been observing silently, exhaled through his nose with his arms crossed.
Seeing the immobilized Rocks, Middleton gave instructions to the royal guards.
“Take him out.”
“Yes, sir!”
As the students and Speyside remained frozen, Rocks was solemnly escorted out by two royal guards.
Middleton raised his hand with a smile as if nothing had happened and addressed the classroom.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 5 part 2
“That’s right. With just one of those relics, you could turn the tide of battle. It’s one of the four relics in our country.”
Aoi nodded several times and responded.
“…A relic.”
As she muttered this, Middleton looked at Aoi.
“The threat of relics lies in the fact that anyone with sufficient magical power can activate intermediate or higher-level magic. And without an incantation, at that. This can be used for assassinating important figures if the time and place are right.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 5 part 1
Chapter 5: Parent-Teacher Conference
The rhythmic sound of footsteps on cobblestones, marching in mechanical unison. The high-pitched clang of metal against metal. And the hoofbeats of horses pulling a large carriage in the center.
The procession of knights, their rough sounds blending together, came to a halt in front of the academy. The knight at the lead dismounted gracefully from his horse and walked towards the reception.
“We’ve come from the royal capital.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 4
“Of course. I’ve received various education from the talented individuals, court magicians, and knight commanders that the Verted Kingdom boasts, and I’m among the top students in this academy. I am proof of our country’s excellence.”
Hearing these words spoken with such confidence, I sighed deeply.
“If that’s the extent of it, then the Verted Kingdom won’t last long either. How disappointing.”
The moment I said that, Rocks charged at me, turning his anger directly into momentum.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 3
“What pathetic guys.”
If they’re going to be scared of such things, they shouldn’t have done it in the first place.
“Move aside.”
Saying this, I push them away, causing a couple of the followers to fall over.
At the edge of the courtyard, there’s the groaning woman and Court, who’s shielding her while bleeding from his leg. Rocks looks down at the two and clicks his tongue.
“…To defy someone stronger without any real power.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 2
[SIDE: Shenley]
I quietly take a seat at the edge of the classroom, trying to be as inconspicuous and silent as possible.
In this academy, magical ability is important, but so is one’s status as a noble. And the same goes for one’s race.
I was good at magic in the intermediate division. While my magical power wasn’t particularly strong, I was often told I learned quickly.
Maybe that’s why. I certainly had few friends, but I think I was normal in the intermediate division.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 1
Chapter 4: Anger
The academy has senior instructors who excel in fire, water, wind, and earth magic, as well as healing magic. Their number is less than ten percent of the over hundred instructors.
Typically, mages who become senior instructors are deeply engaged in research. Publishing their findings and byproducts benefits both themselves and the academy.
Therefore, unlike regular instructors, senior instructors only teach classes one or two days a week at most.
In particular, Foar Perno Roses, the senior water instructor, is devoted to his research and only teaches a two-hour class once a week, barring exceptional circumstances.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 3
“…There hasn’t been anyone in this academy who could handle close combat properly. Even those good at physical enhancement fight by keeping their distance and using magic.”
He muttered, clenching his fist and bringing it in front of my face.
“I hope you’re strong.”
Felter showed a fierce smile as he said that, then left with a brisk stride.
The sight of him leaving while swaying his tail, which looked rather cute for his large build, was amusing and age-appropriate.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 2
When we arrived at the classroom, I spotted a familiar face.
It was Shenley, the adorable girl with white hair and a white tail. When Shenley noticed us, her ears on top of her head perked up, and her eyes sparkled. She looked at us silently, but her tail was wagging back and forth.
“Hello everyone! Now, let’s take attendance!”
Eliza said with a smile as she began checking names one by one.
Shenley responded in a loud voice when her name was called.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 1
Chapter 3: Rumors of the New Teacher
The sudden tornado that occurred was apparently caused by magic from the new senior faculty member.
Unaware of such rumors spreading, I was pleased that the first day had gone better than expected.
“Aoi-san, you look happy,”
“It’s self-praise, but I feel like I did well for the first day,”
I replied with a smile. Eliza laughed in response.
“Indeed. Strauss-san also said you were very good.… Read more