C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 4 part 3

Shion had simply created a sword using “Weapon Creation” magic because the man approaching him was holding a short sword, thinking he might have a chance if it came to a sword fight.
By the way, the weapon creation that Shion performed is a relatively low-level magic among those of the same type, and can only create swords of very fragile strength. Also, normally there wouldn’t be any pitch-black lightning like earlier, but Shion was just using a separate lightning attribute magic just to look cool.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 4 part 2

However, behind Shion stands a person trembling with fear. Beyond his back, there’s someone who needs help.
Someone who, if he doesn’t save her, will meet a cruel fate and be killed mercilessly.
“(Escaping is — absolutely not an option)”
From the start, he never even considered the choice of abandoning the woman behind him and fleeing.
But, that said, he has no way to defeat the men in front of him.
Even before the question of defeating them or not, Shion has no means to defend against the “Flame Shower” that’s about to be unleashed.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 4: Red Eyes, the Deadly Blade

In a dimly lit ghost town lined with abandoned factories, a shadowy figure ran, gasping for breath. It was a woman, her hood pulled low, concealing her eyes.
She swung her arms and legs with all her might, running desperately forward as if fleeing from something.
“N-No way…”
Turning a corner to escape the gaze behind her, she darted into an alley. Mercilessly, it led to a dead end.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Journey to the Royal Capital

In the same week as the regular exams at the Magic Academy.
Sion was visiting the royal capital on a weekend holiday.
From Ragatia, the western city of the kingdom where the academy is located, it’s about a two-hour ride by magic-powered train to reach the royal capital.
On this day, there was an exhibition of magic-related products for magicians and merchants held once every six months at a venue in the royal capital.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 2

Restia always conducts her classes sincerely and very enthusiastically.
When asked about the class content after the lesson, she looks very happy that someone has shown interest in her class.
Even if most students aren’t listening to the class, she never cuts corners and strives to make the content easy to understand, interesting for students, and engaging.
She doesn’t just read from the textbook and write on the board, but actively incorporates experiments using real plants in her classes.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 1

Chapter 2: Going to School

As the morning sun began to rise, a faint light appeared in the once-dark sky. Shion Ichinose finished his basic training, repeating elementary magic of various attributes. He drank a mana recovery potion and rested for about five minutes before picking up the sword he had brought from his dormitory room.
He was about to try a new spell he had been studying and experimenting with for the past few days, poring over academic books.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 1 part 2

It had been two years since Shion enrolled in the Magic Academy. In that time, the children his age, who had started learning magic much later than he did, had quickly improved their skills.
Despite all his efforts over those two years, Shion could never catch up to his peers. In fact, the gap between them only widened.
“Maybe Shion will finally realize he has no talent for magic,”
his parents thought, wondering daily how they would comfort their son when his dreams were shattered by reality.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1  Chapter 1 part 1

Chapter 1: Shion Ichinose

In the practice room of Gilbert Royal Crofford Magic Academy, Lina Restia, a faculty member, was intently observing the actions of a male student.
The student’s name was Shion Ichinose. He was a student in Restia’s second-year Class C.
He slowly raised his right hand and pointed his palm straight at a target 18.4 meters away.
Then, a white, mist-like light began to emanate from his outstretched palm.… Read more

C-level magic student Volume 1 prologue




In this world, there exists an energy called “mana.”

Mana flows through the earth and air of this world, and also courses through the bodies of many living beings.

The people of this world extract mana from natural objects like rocks and crystals where it accumulates, and use this energy in their daily lives.

For example, mana is used to light lamps, refrigerate fresh food, power transportation like trains, and run machinery in factories.… Read more

C-level magic student Light Novel Illustrations

Volume 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

This is the standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used as placeholder text since the 1500s.… Read more