After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 5: Invasion War, Suspicious Daily Life, and Then 

As far as I knew, Yuzuriha-san was in an exceptionally good mood on the way back to the country.  
To put it bluntly, for some unknown reason, she was extremely cheerful.  
The topics she brought up when talking to me were all upbeat. 
“Now you too, are officially a noble! Congratulations!” 
“No, no, no. Becoming a noble just for defeating an ogre seems a bit too much, don’t you think?” … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 6

Sixty-three seconds later, when I thought it was all over,  
the attacks towards Yuzuriha, prepared for her imminent death, suddenly eased, as if a thread had snapped. 
It was evident that the Ogre King had been defeated. 
(Even at this distance… you narrowly saved me again, my partner…?) 
My partner seemed to be a bit too good at saving my life— 
That was Yuzuriha’s solitary musings. 
We fought relentlessly for three days and nights, unable to get a wink of sleep. … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 5

“Just because, I jokingly suggested that I’d like to enter the Ogre’s Great Forest.  
I do have genuine interest, but I expected to be opposed, going into the forest of demons where we never know what might be there. 
Yuzuriha-san and Suzuha readily agreed and even offered to come along.” 
“If it’s Suzuha’s brother, there should be no problem. Ah, but in case we get surrounded by Ogres, I’ll accompany you and protect your back.” … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 4

“…You really don’t understand a woman’s heart.” 
Yuzuriha, shaking her head with a sigh, suddenly looked at me with pity. 
“Listen, this is simple. In other words…” 
Just as Yuzuriha was about to enlighten me, she stopped mid-sentence. 
“…Wait a minute? Could this be an opportunity…?” 
“…Hold on a second. Is this a chance to…?!”…If I do Suzuha-kun a favor here, and bring her back to my side again…then when those Amazoness ruffians try to cause trouble, I’ll have the Suzuha-kun card to play…Not a bad plan…” 
“Yuzuriha-san…?” … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 3

My suspicions of being treated coldly by the Amazoness have completely proven to be groundless. 
Initially a bit reserved, they quickly warmed up after a light mock battle, treating me like a close family member.  
Despite all being stunningly beautiful and having impressive figures, they were extremely friendly, constantly smiling, and unreservedly engaging in close physical contact. 
I’ve come to realize that rumors in society are often unreliable. … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 2

Finally, we arrived at the defense base in the Ogre’s Great Forest, a massive fortress-like building. 
There were about a thousand troops from the neighboring Amazoness army stationed there. 
This fortress was a promise made during the breeding season of the Ogres, aligning with both neighboring countries contributing a hundred thousand troops each.  
However, a mere thousand seemed to be sufficient because Amazoness could work as effectively as a hundred soldiers each. … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 4: The Ogre’s Great Forest. 

On that day, during dinner at the Duke’s residence, I heard something astonishing.  
It turns out that Suzuha topped the grade without taking the final exams. 
“Huh? What does that mean? Wasn’t there even a chance for a comeback?” I asked. 
“No, no, it’s not like that. It’s just that…”  
Yuzuriha-san began explaining with a troubled tone. … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 4

I decided to go for some casual sword strikes to end this simulated battle.  
However, just as I leaped, something gleamed at the corner of my vision. 
Without time to ponder what it was, I instinctively reacted. 
—It was probably a poison needle shot from something like a blowgun. 
At an unbelievable speed, it accurately targeted Yuzuriha.  
Even if she noticed, swinging her sword in mid-air left her unable to avoid the inevitable hit. … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 3

After various twists and turns, the achievement of defeating the wandering white-haired vampire became that of “Miss Yuzuriha of the Sakuragi Duke family and her companions.” It’s a joyous occasion. 
However, in return, I couldn’t escape from escorting Yuzuriha-san at the outdoor party. 
“At present, Yuzuriha doesn’t have a fiancé, and among the comrades who repelled the devil, you’re the only man. So, it’s natural for you to escort her.” 
“But in such cases, shouldn’t a relative of Yuzuriha-san escort her…?” … Read more

After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 2

2 (Toko’s point of view) 
Just a few days ago, I started frequenting the Duke’s house. 
While Toko had known the Duke as a noble when she was a princess, their relationship was only limited to brief conversations at noble parties. 
But now, they were in the midst of secret discussions in the Duke’s study until late at night. 
On that day, when Toko, who had come in secret, was welcomed in the study by the Duke,  
he brewed tea himself, making a point to show that it was safe to drink. … Read more