Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 3 part 2

“A magician without a wall is just a punching bag! Getting beaten up and staying down, do you even have any guts?!”
Who cares, idiot!! You’re the one beating us up!!!
He thought this sincerely but didn’t say it aloud. He pretended to be unconscious and collapsed. He couldn’t think of becoming a shield in front of that demon. The others felt the same. Those who tried to get up──
“…So tough…”
There was one.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 3 part 1

Chapter 3: Becoming an Adventurer! The Chaos Begins

Adventurers’ Guild – Greed Branch Training Ground: Second Quarter, Day Two

“Hey, rookies. Good morning. How are you feeling?”
“Exhausted, but more importantly, two of the kids you worked over are dead.”
“They’re still breathing. Good. Today, we’re heading to the labyrinth. Kill some monsters. The goal is twenty.”
“That’s double last time.”
“Well, we can always go for a run.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 9

“Seems like a [Gem Golem] that’s usually in the crystal zone of the middle layer has wandered up to the upper layer. Maybe the labyrinth’s activation period has started.”
If it encounters rookies, they’ll be toast, Gogo said half-jokingly, half-seriously. Karme glanced at Glenn and Rodz. Rodz had a stern look, while Glenn shrugged and said lightly.
“They might die, those kids.”
“Is this the time to be saying that!!!?”
Karme dashed back into the labyrinth.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 8

“Shall we wait by the entrance for the monsters to come to us?”
Shizuku suggested, pointing with her borrowed, old staff.
“If we can kill ten monsters at the entrance, we can leave quickly.”
“That’s smart.”
Ur agreed, but—
“Just one problem…”
“Is it not a good idea?”
“I’m not an expert on labyrinths, but maybe in Greed—”
He stopped as he noticed something behind her.
From the wall Shizuku had her back to, a grotesque goblin was emerging.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 7

Adventurers Guild – Greed Branch Training Room Armor Storage

“Well, not that this armor is great… but it’s better than nothing.”
“How about this one?”
“Doesn’t it smell strange? What is that smell…?”
“Ur-sama, there’s a dark stain on the back of that leather armor.”
“This shield has mold growing on it.”
“It’s a cute blue-purple color, isn’t it?”
“It just looks poisonous… What were you even looking at, Diz?”
Unsurprisingly, the stored armor was in poor condition.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 6

“I wonder…”
Ur responded absentmindedly to Shizuku’s question.
Honestly, the whole idea of adventurers training seriously seemed mismatched. Adventurers were more about being spontaneous. Training from scratch in a serious manner didn’t seem right! Perhaps Ur still viewed adventurers through a biased lens.
“Hey, old man, stop messing around!! No one cares about your talk!”
But just as Ur was affirming his biased view, his classmate next to him erupted. It was noisy, but Ur nodded along.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 5

“The guild’s official rings are gold, silver, and bronze. But these rings are outside that classification. They show that you’re adventurers, so you get minimal support, but you’re not guild members. It’s a kind of compromise.”
“That sounds like a lot of excuses,”
“Yeah, I’ve got no comeback for that!”
The receptionist laughed, playfully smacking her forehead. She seemed like a cheerful person.
“But with these, we can operate as adventurers, right?”
“Yes, if you answer one last question,”
It was a man’s voice, different from the receptionist
Ur and Shizuku turned to see an elderly man with white hair and deep wrinkles standing behind them.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 4

In the southeastern part of the Islaria continent was a large country.
The Great Sin City-State of Greed, home to one of the world’s seven largest labyrinths, the Great Sin Labyrinth of Greed, was bustling with adventurers today.
The territory of Greed was a holy land for adventurers.
With a high occurrence of labyrinths and a significant demand for adventurers, the rewards from the guild were substantial, attracting many adventurers seeking their livelihoods.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 3

“Frankly, your life is not a suitable collateral. I can control the life of someone far more capable than you. You have no value to me.”
She pointed her finger at Ur’s chest.
“Show me your worth, and I’ll consider your proposal. I’ll accept your desire to buy back your sister.”
Of course, there would be a deadline, she said. Ur let out a deep sigh. He couldn’t celebrate with raised hands, but things seemed better than resigning himself to the situation… he felt.… Read more

Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1  Chapter 2 part 2

Ur and his sister, in her snake form, tilted their heads in unison. The bald dwarf who had taken Ur’s sister as collateral for their debt, Lugola, was taken away by the knights. Ur hoped that in the process, their debt might also disappear.
“No, that’s not possible.”
However, the golden-haired girl shook her head with a smile.
“Why not?”
“Because your sister’s ownership belongs to us.”
“To you?”
“[Golden Phoenix]. My father’s guild.”
Just when Ur thought the person in charge here had disappeared, the higher-up appeared.… Read more