“But Kanade, isn’t it hard to clean when it’s this big?”
“It’s okay. Kanade is strong, so any cleaning is a one-punch solution.”
“…Well if you say so, thanks.”
“Leave it to me.”
What has been troubling the reliable maid Kanade recently is apparently a cat.
“……Sniff sniff.”
“What’s wrong, Kanade?”
“I don’t know where it is, but I smell it.”
“A smell?”
“Yes. And my excellent maid senses are telling me…this is undoubtedly the scent of a thieving cat…!”… Read more
My Oshi’s Enemy Volume 1 Chapter 6 part 3
Some time passes, but shows no sign of reappearing.
In the painfully silent aftermath, as we finally start to relax,
The urge for Umbra compensation hits like a storm.
I desperately suppress my body that wants to hug Hinata-chan standing nearby.
“Ah… ugh.”
Snapping out of her surprise, Hinata-chan’s body also crumbles.
On her knees, she grits her teeth against the hunger gnawing at her entire body.
We’re both in tatters.
On the deserted main street, festival decorations sway lonely.… Read more
I , a high school teacher, was transported volume 1 chapter 7 part 1
Chapter 7: Heaven’s Fall
Morning at the shelter. I stretch to loosen my stiff body.
Last night, Kimijima said, “It might be a magical tool.” Those words stick with me, and I take out the bracelet from my backpack. It was found under a large bone. If a person attacks with a spear, it might have an effect that enhances their physical abilities.
As I stare at the bracelet, pondering, Kimijima approaches.… Read more
I Tell You Monster. Volume 1 Chapter 2 part 5
Used for their desires, exposed to their desires.
She had been a mere tool for six years.
A carthorse existing solely to satisfy someone’s ugly desires.
“No, it’s not just that. That brothel, did they have children there? Of course, not just children, but among them, she was the oldest veteran. She must have seen it—the discarded children over those six years.”
An illegal brothel.
Age didn’t matter, they say, but in this case, young children became the merchandise.… Read more
The Girl is Unbeatable Volume 1 Chapter 7 part 3
At some point, Hakua had realized the disconcerting fact that she was the one being pressured. How many years had it been since she last broke out in a cold sweat like this?
(It seems this won’t be as straightforward as I thought…)
And amidst this turmoil, the subject of contention – Izumi himself – was preoccupied with something else.
“Oi, oi, Izumi-cchi, what’s with this ‘nee-san’ stuff~!? I heard her say she’s the president and your fiancée but~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!?”… Read more
Thus, the Boy Runs Through the Labyrinth Volume 1 Chapter 6 part 4
Using the funds to upgrade their equipment. If they couldn’t outsmart with information, they’d outclass with gear. Shizuku’s decision was sound, if not perfect. Ur agreed.
“No, that’s not it.”
But this was just the beginning of what she had to say.
“I’ve spread this information to almost all the adventurers who wanted to participate in the hunting festival.”
Shizuku had started saying something quite outrageous.
“What… the hell!?”… Read more
C-level magic student Volume 1 Chapter 10 part 4
“‘I can’t… die yet…'”
The Black Annihilation Dragon Schwarzwaldius’ eyes widened.
I had blocked the Black Dragon’s strike.
“‘To stop you, I can’t die yet.'”
…I myself couldn’t understand at all what was happening to my body.
I had reached my physical limit, my sword had broken, and I was in a state of severe injury all over my body when the Black Dragon’s finishing blow came down on me.… Read more
A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 2 chapter 3 part 3
After I ask my questions to the man called Garonne of the White Ash, he opens his mouth with a confused expression.
“…Even if you were the captain of the knights or something, I don’t think we can answer such questions.”
Sighing as he says this, Garonne looks at Kalila.
“…Have you lost your mind? What’s the deal with this woman?”
Garonne cuts off the conversation with me and turns to Kalila.… Read more
My Oshi’s Enemy Volume 1 Chapter 6 part 2
Watching Gouki the fly away, unable to stop due to losing inertia from [Separation], I think:
— How foolish I’ve been to hesitate until now.
Since coming to this world, I hadn’t raised a hand against anyone even once.
It’s not that I was proud of this or anything.
I simply thought that as an outsider, I had no right to harm anyone in this world.
Apparently, that’s not quite the case.
Well, either way, I can’t raise a hand against my oshi.… Read more
I , a high school teacher, was transported volume 1 chapter 6 part 2
When we first departed, we thought we were heading to Doodlevalley, but apparently that’s not the case. There’s a slightly closer city called Vardzur, which is said to be the largest of the remaining cities in Durham State, and that’s where the Durham State Army headquarters is located.
Although it’s called the largest, it’s quite small compared to the Spelt state capital we just came from, but it’s said to be a symbolic city where people made their last stand and successfully defended against the monsters.… Read more