After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 3

After various twists and turns, the achievement of defeating the wandering white-haired vampire became that of “Miss Yuzuriha of the Sakuragi Duke family and her companions.” It’s a joyous occasion. 
However, in return, I couldn’t escape from escorting Yuzuriha-san at the outdoor party. 
“At present, Yuzuriha doesn’t have a fiancé, and among the comrades who repelled the devil, you’re the only man. So, it’s natural for you to escort her.” 
“But in such cases, shouldn’t a relative of Yuzuriha-san escort her…?” 
“Normally, yes. However, this time it’s a triumphant return party, so it’s more natural for the comrades to take the lead.” 
Once it’s asserted like that, there’s no way I can refuse. 
“Oh, but now that I think about it, I don’t have a costume to wear to the party, so I’ll decline…” 
” I’ve already prepared for that. To maintain the dignity of the Duke’s family, I’ve arranged a complete set tailored by the most popular high-class noble designer in the capital.” 
Not a word came out. 
And to add insult to injury, Suzuha said, 
“Uh, nii-san.” 
“What is it, Suzuha? Unfortunately, it seems like I’ll have to attend the outdoor party…” 
“I never thought I could attend the party in matching dresses with nii-san. It feels like a dream!” 
“…Matching dresses? What’s that?” 
“Well, we all discussed keeping it a secret from you until the last minute to surprise you. Actually, we had new dresses made for Yuzuriha-san, Toko-san, and me, all matching!” 
“Oh, really…” 
“So on the day of the party, not only Yuzuriha-san but also please escort me!” 
…It seemed the groundwork had already been laid. 
I always believed that getting involved with nobles and politicians led to nothing good in life,  
but well, it couldn’t be helped now. 
I don’t think they will kill me if I fail. 
I had resolved myself for the party three days later. 

On the Day of the Triumph Party 
Having finished changing in a room at the Duke’s mansion, I couldn’t find words as I saw Suzuha and the others. 
“Hehe… What do you think, nii-san?” 
scene transition 
Blushing and looking at me with expectant eyes, Suzuha was waiting for my response. I was at a loss for words. 
While they had mentioned getting new dresses, seeing them in the same outfit was beyond my expectations. 
That in itself was fine, but…! 
“I’d love to hear what Suzuha’s brother thinks. Personally, I feel it’s showing a bit too much cleavage…” 
That’s precisely what I want to say out loud. 
The dress itself, with its white base and soft accent colors, is beautiful, and the drape is elegant—there’s no complaint there.  
But with the shoulders and collarbones exposed and the deep cut in the front, the topless dress overly emphasized Suzuha and the others’ incredible figures. 
While I struggled to find the right words, Toko chimed in, 
“Do you think Suzuha’s brother was captivated by us? The designer who made this dress said it’s entirely custom-made for us. They said the design is only suitable for exceptionally beautiful girls with big busts, like us. So… what do you think?” 
Faced with their expectant gazes, I somehow managed to respond. 
“W-Wait, no, how should I put this…isn’t that a bit too erotic…?” 
Of course, I intended to imply with those unspoken words:  
“That dress is a bit inappropriate, don’t you think?” However, for some reason, the three of them seemed overjoyed when they heard my words. 
“Y-Yay, I did it…! This is the first time my brother has called me ‘erotic’!!” 
“I-Is that so…?! While it is quite embarrassing to be seen through such a sexual lens by you…however, as your partner, I am also prepared to accept such things as unavoidable…unavoidable!” 
“I-I unexpectedly got genuinely embarrassed… I only intended to tease Suzuha’s brother a bit, but it’s strange… Ahahaha…” 
I don’t understand anymore. 
I approached the maid who had been quietly observing behind Suzuha and the others, probably the one responsible for their dressing. 
It seemed she had taken care of dressing all three. 
With an elegant beauty and a calm demeanor, she looked like someone capable and professional. 
“Um, I’d like to ask… is it really okay with such dresses?” 
“Of course.” 
“S-so, is that so… As expected of a noble’s outdoor party…” 
“Indeed. Every gentleman who lays eyes on the enchanting figures of Yuzuriha-sama and the others will undoubtedly shower them with their seed like a sprinkler. In short, it’s a semen sprinkler.” 
” That’s a no-no, isn’t it?” 
By the way, a sprinkler is an extremely rare and outrageously expensive magical tool found occasionally in the gardens of noble mansions. 
“However, that’s only natural. The attire of the young ladies today surpasses even the legendary succubus, Queen Succubus, in sensuality, no matter how modest it may seem. It’s a guarantee that every gentleman present will fall head over heels in love, and proposals and invitations for affairs will undoubtedly pour in.” 
As I, feeling a bit dizzy, press my temple, 
The maid continues, saying something like this. 
“…if you want to stop them, now is the time.” 
“It’s easy to stop Lady Yuzuriha and the others. You just need to approach their ears and whisper something like this: ‘[I don’t want other men staring so blatantly at your lovely chest]’.” 
“Um…? But, even if Suzuha might not mind, I don’t think I have the right to interfere with Yuzuriha and Toko…” 
“It’s not about rights.” 
“Is that so?” 
“—You just need to express your feelings. What happens afterward is up to the judgment of the young ladies, so there’s no problem.” 
“Maybe that’s true…? But really, I don’t think just a few words can change anything, right?” 
“It’s not a loss even if it fails. Just try it as if you were deceived.” 
Following the maid’s advice, it actually worked.  
All three of them blushed and backed off obediently, seemingly accepting my words. 
In the end, they all settled by wearing capes that covered their shoulders and chest. 
Truly, the maid from the Duke’s house is outstanding,  
I thought, putting aside the issue of why she didn’t stop them in the first place. 


Being escorted at the party means that Yuzuriha and I enter the venue together as if we were engaged. 
As expected, the moment we entered the Duke’s garden, which was the party venue, the entire place buzzed with excitement. 
It’s only natural; having an unknown commoner beside the incredibly famous Duchess Yuzuriha would undoubtedly cause a stir. 
So, I’m not perturbed by that. 
However, there’s a completely different reason for my disturbance— 
“Hey, hey, why are you so timid!”  
Well, you see, if I get any closer… 
“You’re my escort, get closer and put your arm around my waist. Come on, squeeze me tight. Look, tight!” 
scene transition 
“But if I get any closer, Yuzuriha’s excessively ample chest armor will be pressed against my body. Look, tight!” 
“…Well, it can’t be helped. But it’s embarrassing, especially with you… Ugh, it’s really embarrassing…” 
And so, we managed to enter, completing the entrance. 
When the starting time arrived, the head of the Duke’s house, who made a speech about how we, 
Yuzuriha and her companions, bravely confronted the wandering white-haired vampire and achieved an unprecedented great victory by cutting off the legendary vampire’s arm and driving it away. 
Honestly, it was so embellished that I, the listener, felt embarrassed. 
He must have had the kingdom’s top bard write the manuscript. 
And when the speech ended, the mock battle between Yuzuriha and me began. 
This was also part of the program that the Duke had mentioned beforehand. 
The idea was to showcase our abilities through a mock battle, proving that our strength against the vampires was genuine. 
“Alright, let’s go! Show your power to the fullest!” 
Pushed by the enthusiastic Yuzuriha, we moved to the center. 
In essence, it’s like this. 
It’s a stage prepared by the Duke to display my strength, a commoner, against Yuzuriha, who is already known as an overwhelming powerhouse. 
By crossing swords with Yuzuriha, a widely recognized powerhouse, and demonstrating my strength, the Duke aims to prove that the vampire extermination story this time is not a lie. 
Yuzuriha’s solo sword dance, resembling a terrifyingly beautiful ballroom dance.  
On the other hand, I am an amateur, incapable of performing a sword dance. 
Yuzuriha’s sword dance is undeniably impressive, and it’s entertaining enough on its own.  
“Are you going to do it?”  
“Of course! Hyaaaah!” 
My muttered words seem to trigger Yuzuriha, and she launches herself towards me.  
Her sword strikes are faster and sharper than when we first met, a testament to her rapid growth.  
Although she tends to leave some openings in her defense due to her offensive approach, maybe because she hasn’t sparred with opponents stronger than herself. 
But despite her remarkable progress over the past month,  
this training scene doesn’t seem any different from the usual. Is it okay? 
“Hah! Hnngh!” 
Boom! Boom! 
Thuds echo through the venue as Yuzuriha’s slashing attacks fill the air, accompanied only by faint murmurs of amazement. 
“So amazing… that killing war goddess is giving it her all!” 
“Who’s that young man calmly dodging her attacks? Where is he from?” 
“Those attacks would instantly kill even a high-ranking knight if they landed…” 
“Faster than the captain of the knights, and aiming precisely for vital spots…!” 
“Yuzuriha’s attacks are crazy enough, but to dodge every single one of those slashes, it’s not human work anymore. …… ” 
While I’m too focused on the training to hear the conversation clearly, the knights seem to be gathering and causing a commotion.  
Conversely, the civilian nobles watch with admiration. 
I wonder if an amateur like me can even see Yuzuriha’s sword properly? 
“Haha, as expected of Suzuha-kun’s older brother! But why not try attacking back a bit!” 
“That’s true. In that case—Haaaaaaaah!” 

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