After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 3 part 1

Chapter 3: Triumphant Return Party 

Not long after returning from the tumultuous journey, I received a summons from the Sakuragi Duke’s residence.  
What now?  
Perhaps I was to take responsibility for the mishap involving the duke’s daughter, leading to some punishment.  
I braced myself for the worst, maybe even ritual suicide. 
At all costs, I must make sure that Suzuha will not suffer any consequences…! 
I went alone, leaving Suzuha behind.  
I made sure to tell her to escape if anything happened to me.  
However, upon arriving at the duke’s mansion, things took an unexpected turn.  
The head of the Sakuragi family, Yuzuriha’s father, personally greeted me at the entrance and bowed deeply. 
“It seems you saved my daughter’s life this time. I am grateful.” 
“Why are you so surprised?” 
“Well, I thought for sure I’d be held responsible for Yuzuriha’s injuries and end up facing execution or something!” 
“…What are you surprised about? We need to have a proper talk.” 
I was then led, willingly or not, to the duke’s study.  
The Sakuragi Duke’s study,  
a place not accessible to common guests or even close high-ranking nobles, unless recognized by the head of the family as someone worthy of carrying the future of the dukedom or the nation.  
I was clueless about such things, distracted by the opulence of the room as I looked around, but the duke gestured for me to sit. 
“First, regarding this incident, my daughter made a mistake. I apologize.” 
“Yuzuriha got a hole in her torso.” 
“Oh, she did that to try to save me.” 
“Did you deliberately create an opening and lure that demon?” 
“…Why would I…?” 
“I heard the story from Lady Toko. When you were believed to be in danger, your sister remained calm.” 
“Considering your past actions, if you were truly in danger, your sister would have thrown herself into it first. But she didn’t. So, there’s only one answer.” 
“…If Suzuha threw herself into danger to save me, I’d be in big trouble, wouldn’t I…?” 
While I think the process of deduction is quite sloppy. 
Being able to accurately grasp the situation just by listening to the story is indeed the mark of a great noble. 
“But in any case, it’s a fact that I was saved thanks to Yuzuriha-san.” 
“I see. My daughter was helpful?” 
“Regardless, thanks to your daughter, we managed to drive away the wandering white-haired vampire without any injuries. It’s frustrating that we let it escape, but…” 
“That was a catastrophe on the level of national destruction. Just facing it alone is a miracle. Don’t get conceited about letting it go.” 
Despite the harsh words, there was kindness in the duke’s eyes.  
It was evident he chose harsh words to prevent me from carrying regrets.  
Truly the dignity of a high-ranking noble. 
“So, my daughter suffered a wound due to her own mistake, but since it has healed, there’s no issue. I feel the need to express my gratitude to you for protecting her.” 
“No, it’s just natural—” 
“If youprotect my daughter, then it’s only natural to show gratitude. Those who can’t even properly show appreciation are not fit to be nobles, let alone human. …I trust you won’t try to make me unfit for humanity?” 
With that said, I could only silently shake my head.  
I, too, would go all out to express my gratitude if someone saved Suzuha’s life, even if they were expected to do so.  
the moment I considered that, my thoughts took a turn I never anticipated. 
Never underestimate the nobility, especially when it comes to wealth. I keenly felt that.  
Why? Because… 
“Ask for a reward. Demand something you like. Whether it’s gold, precious metals, artworks, or land, honor, it doesn’t matter. I recommend utilizing the full power of our duke’s house to make you a hereditary noble. But what do you want?” 
“…What are you talking about?” 
“Of course, you can’t marry into the royal family since you’re not a true noble, but as a rising noble recommended by our duke, you can do most things. We can arrange land, personnel, and funds as needed. In the future, we can even arrange for my relatives to marry—” 
“W-Wait a moment!” 
I sensed that things were about to take a disastrous turn, so I hastily began searching for a compromise. 
I can’t just reject everything;  
the Duke’s recommended package will come crashing down.  
On the other hand, if I demand money, an unimaginable and terrifying amount will likely be offered, which I, as a commoner, can’t handle.  
I don’t need something excessive; too much wealth can be destructive. 
If it’s the eldest princess of the prestigious Duke household — and if that’s in exchange for the life of that murderous war goddess — it wouldn’t be surprising if one could buy not just a castle but the entire territory of a minor noble. 
Is there nothing else?  
Is there a way to satisfy the Duke’s pride without causing any actual harm? 
“Ah, I got it!” 
“What is it?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing.” 
I pretended as if this idea just popped into my head. 
“Cough. Well then, there’s one favor I’d like to ask from me.” 
“I would like to request the Duke’s guidance for Suzuha’s future and, if possible, for me.” 
The Duke’s lips curled into a smile. 
Ah, this guy is definitely thinking of something shady. 
“Well, you humble fellow. Without desires, you’ll remain a commoner forever, you know?” 
“That’s the plan.” 
“Rather than immediate financial gain, they’re yearning for the protection of our household.” 
“With all due respect, the influence of the Sakuragi Duke household extends to every corner of our nation. If one were to receive the patronage of that duke household, my sister Suzuha would find life at the Royal Academy for the Strongest Knights which is full of nobles more manageable.” 
“That’s true. If any arrogant nobles dare to trouble you, we’ll crush them along with their entire family,”  
“Uhm, I appreciate the offer, but is that really necessary…?” 
Nobles are terrifying. 
I genuinely think it’s fortunate to have been born a commoner. 
“However, excessive humility can turn into sarcasm. If news of your reward becomes known, everyone will realize that the Sakuragi Duke’s protection has been secured. That’s practically the same as you making the request. So, wouldn’t it be more advantageous to accept monetary rewards?”  
“No, that’s not necessary.” 
“Oh? Explain yourself.” 
“Accepting other rewards would make it difficult to ask for help when truly needed.” 
The Duke blinks in response to my eloquent speech. 
This is my secret strategy. 
Nobles value honor and prestige more than commoners.  
Exploiting that, I reject anything substantial, claiming that having the Duke’s prestige is sufficient. 
Once the Duke realizes the trap, he responds with a hearty laugh. 


“I see, I see… Haha! You may appear as a kind commoner, but you’re quite scheming!” 
“Your request is not for temporary money, but for the right to use the Sakuragi Duke’s influence. Is that what you’re saying?” 
“I’m not saying that at all!” 
“Oh well, there’s no need for hidden motives anymore. I like you!” 
For some reason, the Duke misunderstands grandly, looking at me as if he found a new partner in mischief. Why? 
“Since you saved the oldest daughter of the Sakuragi Duke, you’re now seeking assistance. This is quite a reward that Yuzuriha can’t pay off in her lifetime, isn’t it?” 
“Uh, well…?” 
“Your intention is to secure the right to use the Sakuragi Duke’s influence as a reward for saving our oldest daughter. Not bad, not bad at all!” 
The Duke seemed to be convinced on his own terms. 
And then, there was a clear sense of being greatly misunderstood and overestimated. 
But if I were to interject here, it would likely become even more troublesome, so I just smiled politely and kept quiet. 
“Well, if that’s the case, let’s get straight to the point. ──I’ll ask you now.” 
“Do you want to marry Yuzuriha, or would you prefer another daughter?” 
“What do you mean? ” 
“Our Duke’s daughter isn’t just Yuzuriha. If you choose Yuzuriha, that’s fine, but that girl is a bit too unruly. If you prefer a more refined or a quiet girl, or one with a small chest, we can search among our Duke’s relatives—” 
“What are you talking about all of a sudden!?” 
“— sir! Something serious has happened!” 
I raised my voice involuntarily, and at the same time, the Duke’s butler rushed in. 
The Duke glared at the butler and said,  
“What’s the matter? We are in the midst of an important discussion about the future of our Duke’s house.” 
“I deeply apologize! However, Miss Yuzuriha…!” 
“Yuzuriha, is something wrong!?” 
“Y-yes! The procedure to remove the skin scars was successful, but when the young lady woke up and saw her newly improved body, she went berserk!” 
“What!? Could it be a side effect of the healing magic!?” 
“That’s right! The young lady was screaming, ‘Give me back my scars, the proof of the bond with Suzuha-kun’s older brother!’ while crying, and she went on a rampage throughout the mansion, completely naked and uncontrollable!” 
“…………Ah, that idiot girl…!” 
The Duke covered his face with a defeated expression. 
…I don’t really understand, but it’s not my fault, right? 
“Well, uh, should I help too?” 
“Please. If you find her, hug her gently. That should calm her down.” 
“After she regains her sanity, Yuzuriha will probably want to die of shame, but it’s her own fault. Don’t worry about it.” 
In any case, I followed the butler to help restrain Yuzuriha. 
In the distance, I could hear the sound of expensive-looking pottery breaking. 
If I don’t stop this soon, things will get out of hand, and I couldn’t shake off the uneasiness. 
So, when I left the room, I missed the Duke muttering one more thing. 
“A man in his prime sees her naked. .. Well, I’ve got one more reason to marry her off.” 

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