After My Sister Enrolling Volume 1 Chapter 2 Part 2

“If you feel any danger, please escape immediately. It’s preferable not to be noticed by the students. We don’t care about the life or death of the bandits, but if possible, it would be convenient to keep them alive for questioning. There’s a separate retrieval team, so you don’t need to do things like interrogation or collecting loot. Once you incapacitate everyone, come back immediately. Any questions?” 
“Oh, um! Can I also go with big brother?” 
“I don’t mind. Protect your big brother to your heart’s content.” 
Suzuha nodded vigorously. It was evident she was full of determination.  
In front of her elder brother, she probably wanted to showcase her grown-up self in actual combat. 
“Well then, we’re off.” 
“Yeah. Be careful.” 
With that, I, along with Suzuha, set out for the bandit extermination. 
In conclusion, it was incredibly anticlimactic. 
Everyone, including the bandits who appeared later, was just too weak. 
“…If it’s big brother, can you defeat them all effortlessly with just a finger?” 
“Come on, Suzuha. Don’t get distracted during a fight.” 
“Sorry, big brother. But these people, their equipment is quite impressive, isn’t it…?” 
That was also a question I had. 
Moreover, it wasn’t just decent equipment; among them were items made of mithril or intricately crafted, almost on par with knights from some foreign country.  
Picking those up and selling them would secure a comfortable life, so why were they resorting to banditry? It was nothing but puzzling… 
A bandit jumped into my line of sight, Quietly approaching and seizing the opportunity, and was about to slash Suzuha’s back from behind a rock right now. 
I kicked the bandit who was about to swing at Suzuha from behind. 
The bandit flew through the air with incredible force, landing in the mountains a kilometer away. 
“It’s dangerous, Suzuha. Don’t let your guard down.” 
“T-Thank you, big brother!” 
“Well, if it were Suzuha, she wouldn’t be badly hurt even if she was cut down like that. 
I mean, she probably would have noticed and dodged at the last moment.” 
I understood that.  
However, even knowing that, I couldn’t help but intervene. Maybe that’s what being an older brother meant. Probably. 


3 (Toko’s Perspective) 
One late night, in a cave on the mountain, two siblings were sleeping.  
The young man lay on his back, not moving a muscle in a relaxed manner.  
Clinging to his right arm, a girl slept soundly, her face showing a happy expression. 
She was an incredibly cute girl. 
Yet, despite being still in her mid-teens, her overly developed chest was out of proportion.  
The girl, rubbing her overly developed bosom against the young man’s arm, mumbled in her sleep. 
“…Big brother, are you tired of sushi and tempura? I understand. In that case, let me introduce you to a legendary dish from the East—called the ‘body sushi’… hehehe…” 
Outside the cave, two girls stood guard,  
needless to say, Yuzuriha and Toko. 
“Now then, Toko, how do you see Suzuha-kun’s big brother? Do you want him?” 
Toko shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly at Yuzuriha’s direct question. 
“That’s obvious, isn’t it? All those bandits he defeated, they were all elite knights sent by various countries. They were sent as top-class assassins to eliminate Yuzuriha, but Suzuha’s big brother defeated them all.” 
“And Suzuha’s big brother didn’t even realize until the end. That’s amusing.” 
He was the only one who believed they was just a bandit until the end. 
“When someone like Suzuha’s big brother becomes so powerful, both bandits and elite knights are equally small fry. It’s like saying that mice and cats are the same in front of a dragon.” 
“So, like, I guess, if there are any nobles who don’t want to get on board with Suzuha’s brother, shouldn’t their whole damn family just be wiped out, you know?” 
“But Suzuha-kun’s brother is off-limits, you know. How does that taste, frustrating, huh?” 
“Seriously… this time, I’ve never regretted my origins more.” 
“The princess can’t marry a commoner, after all.” 
Toko is the eldest daughter of the current king, right smack in the middle of the royal family. 
With outstanding magical abilities and a stunning beauty that rivals elves, Toko, who is terrifyingly popular among men, has been shunned by her two brothers. 
And now, she’s been relegated to the position of the director of the Royal Strongest Knight Girls’ Academy, an honorable but insignificant post. 
At least that’s what her two brothers thought. 
“…Those idiot brothers might blab about not needing commoners, but come on, they’re not that dumb, are they?” 
“No matter how you look at it, they’re not that foolish.” 
“No, no, it’s not like that at all—after all, Toko is still stuck in the lowly position of being the director of the Royal Strongest Knight Girls’ Academy where the ever popular Yuzuriha is the student council president. Those idiots are still stuck in their fixed mindset, thinking it’s just a lowly position.” 
“Well, I won’t deny that those two princes are a bit dumb, but…” 
Toko analyzes the current situation once again. 
With herself, Yuzuriha, Suzuha, and Suzuha’s big brother, even as individuals,  
the four of them are ridiculously powerful. If they join forces, it becomes an enormous military force. 
In other words… 
The possibility of Toko becoming the queen, something she had given up on, has now come significantly closer. 
“…So, about Yuzuriha. What the hell is she thinking?” 
“What do you mean by ‘what is she thinking’?” 
“Don’t play dumb. Setting aside Suzuha, why did you introduce Suzuha’s brother to me? What doe you want?” 
A nonchalant way of speaking that comes from being childhood friends who allowed each other’s quirks. 
In their early years, before Yuzuriha gained military achievements, she, as a peculiar duke’s daughter, was disliked by the royal family. In those difficult times, Yuzuriha only played with Toko, who was similarly mistreated. 
Their friendship from that time continues to this day. 
“Obvious stuff. To protect the country, that’s the significance of the duke’s family.” 
“…The country?” 
“If Suzuha-kun and her brother had the same level of strength, there would undoubtedly be a fierce competition. And with the two of them there’s no one have power to counteract that.” 
“Wait, isn’t the duke’s family fully supporting those two?.” 
“Of course, but even that was a problem according to Father. If those two, along with me, were to be added…” 
“…And what would happen if you were there?” 
“An excessive force surpassing the royal family, easily capable of destroying the country. Well, at least that’s how it would be perceived.” 
“That’s a bit too much, isn’t it?” 
Toko smiles wryly. 
But Yuzuriha maintains a serious expression. 
“Maybe not now, but it might be in the future.” 
“Now? What do you mean by ‘now’?” 
“From now on, Suzuha-kun and I will undergo deadly combat training together. her brother will be there, providing precise guidance and top-notch massages every time. If we continue this for another year, or maybe three, or at most five years…” 
” Well, it looks like the three of you can easily become a force to overthrow the country. Interesting…” 
” But that’s not the future I desire,”  
Toko adds. 
She nods along with the conversation. Despite her dissatisfaction with the current situation and the prince, there’s a strong underlying will to protect the country. 
That’s what nobility is, they both think, a natural duty to safeguard the nation. 
” …I see. So, introducing Suzuha’s brother to me is part of this plan,”  
” Do you understand?”  
” Well, you see, most nobles in this country are either idiots or greedy bastards. Of course, there are exceptions like me and Yuzuriha, a tiny minority,”  
“That’s the way it is.” 
Toko nodded, understanding and accepting it. 
The three people here right now are a potent force in this country. 
If used correctly and in proper doses, the country will be safe for the next few hundred years. 
But one mistake in their use, and the nation will collapse immediately. 
“Hey, Yuzuriha, what do you think I should do?” 
” Act as you see fit, Toko. Those siblings are good people, and you’re no fool. Just promise me one thing,”  
“What’s that?”  
” Never ever, ever, ever, eve, underestimate those two: Suzuha or her brother” Yuzuriha warns. 
Toko started to protest but stopped midway.  
Yuzuriha’s expression was more serious than she’d ever seen. 
“If you fail in negotiations and Suzuha and her brother lose their patience with us, it’s not the end of the world. Our ducal family will do everything to win them over, and if necessary, I’ll even become queen to ensure the country survives. Though I hope it doesn’t come to that.” 
“Uh, you know, talking about overthrowing the royal family right in front of the princess might not be the best idea?” 
“It’s necessary. So, if Toko is dismissed by them, that’s something we can handle. But if the princess herself is disrespectful, and those two lose faith in the nobility or the country as a whole, they might leave the country. That would be disastrous.” 
“Absolutely not! If those two leave and join an enemy nation…!” 

TLNOTE: next part won’t be out for a while <m(__)m>

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