A Teacher, But I’m Feared as a Witch Volume 1 Chapter 2 part 3

Following the faculty member introduced by Glen, I came to observe a class in the high school division.
The class was intermediate-level fire magic for high school students.
The teacher in charge of fire magic, Famous Grouse, was apparently one of the more nobility-minded faculty members in the academy. He was a man in his forties with short blonde hair and an elegant air about him, but knowing this, his appearance and attitude suddenly seemed very aristocratic.
Perhaps having me accompany this teacher first was Glen’s way of challenging me.
Maybe he wanted me to experience firsthand the world of noble privilege and the academy’s inability to break free from it.
As I was thinking this, Famous, who had entered the classroom ahead of me, said a word or two and then glanced at me before speaking.
“Now, we have a special guest today, another teacher. Surprisingly, it’s Aoi Konominato, who became an advanced instructor on her very first day as a teacher. Everyone, pay attention.”
Famous introduced me with quite an insinuating tone. I sighed and stepped into the classroom.
Until now, I had only smelled wood, stone, and fabric, but the classroom was filled with a complex aroma of mixed scents similar to aromatic wood and herbs.
I moved to the podium and stood next to Famous. Turning to the side, I saw the tiered classroom and the students filling the seats.
There were about twenty of them. As most were nobles, both boys and girls appeared composed.
Looking at each student’s face in turn, I opened my mouth.
“…I’m Aoi Konominato, starting today as a teacher. My specialty is water magic. Feel free to approach me.”
It was my first day. I had planned to give a safe greeting and observe the situation, but for some reason, Famous turned his palm towards me and said:
“Ms. Konominato holds the very rare position of advanced instructor from the start at the prestigious Fidic Academy, but surprisingly, she comes from a commoner background. Surely, she must have achieved her current position through blood, sweat, and tears. Everyone, give her a round of applause!”
The students gave sparse applause to this additional explanation that didn’t even try to hide its hostility. As Famous alone applauded enthusiastically, a student in the top row spoke up.
He was a small but chubby-looking blonde boy. Although he appeared young, being in the high school division, he must have been around fifteen years old.
The boy looked at my face for a moment as if appraising me, then turned back to Famous.
“…Isn’t this some kind of mistake? senior instructors are supposed to be a special position reserved only for the academy’s year heads and the most excellent teachers of each magic discipline. I don’t think a teacher of commoner origin could possibly take such a position.”
The boy spoke in a mocking voice. As if he had been expecting this, Famous shrugged dramatically and shook his head.
“Indeed, the position of advanced instructor is usually awarded to the most excellent magicians from among the high-ranking nobles who have produced outstanding magicians.”
He paused there, and about half of the students nodded vigorously. Raising the corners of his mouth at this, Famous looked at me.
“In other words, she must possess enough skill to become an advanced instructor, surpassing even talented high-ranking nobles. Wonderful! I would very much like to see this power, wouldn’t you all?”
As Famous said this, several students clapped their hands excitedly and cheered.
Nobles, who have incorporated talent from within and outside the country into their bloodlines, indeed tend to have many individuals gifted in magic. Conversely, families that have been commoners for generations rarely produce individuals with great magical talent.
This has probably led to the nobles’ elitist mindset and unnecessary pride.
Therefore, my existence as a commoner in a high position is not interesting to them, and some might even suspect that I’m falsely claiming my abilities.
I sighed deeply and raised my face.
“First, there’s something I should say. I believe that titles like noble or royalty are unnecessary in the academy. Of course, I also dislike creating hierarchies based on racial differences.”
Looking around the noisy classroom, I raised my voice.
“So, I intend to scold equally anyone who treats others unfairly for such reasons.”
I started by stating this important policy. Immediately, the blonde boy from earlier clicked his tongue obviously and looked at Famous.
“…This delusional woman is saying something, but what do you think about this, Sensei Famous?”
As I was thinking how childish he looked saying this with an irritated expression, the middle-aged man standing next to me also showed a strained smile with a somewhat annoyed look.
“…Barrel. Even if it’s true, she is still a teacher. Such language might make others question your dignity. However, I will properly teach Ms. Konominato about her position.”
His face was smiling, but his eyes were burning with anger.
I looked at Famous with a straight face and asked.
“By position, do you mean between you, a general instructor, and me?”
The moment I asked this, all emotion disappeared from Famous’s face.
He took out his staff from his waist, pointed it at my face, and began chanting an incantation.
It was fire magic. And an offensive one at that.
“Using offensive magic inside the academy, in front of students, and against a fellow teacher… In any normal academy, you’d be fired without question. Action Seal: Freeze.”
Just before Famous finished his chant, I cast my own magic.
Immediately after, Famous was restrained as if wrapped tightly by invisible ropes. Fixed straight from head to toe, he looked like a single pole. Famous turned eyes of shock towards me.
Glancing at the frozen Famous, I turned back to the students. Barrel also had a shocked expression, but he didn’t make any move to approach. The other students were looking at each other as if they didn’t understand what had happened, or directing hostile gazes at me.
I met their gazes directly and opened my mouth.
“Magical ability doesn’t determine everything. Without comparing titles or abilities as magicians, please cooperate with each other as students to become more excellent magicians. Of course, among teachers as well, there are no titles or positions; we will sincerely help with your studies. If you have any concerns, please rely on the teachers. You’re likely to reach better results than if you worried alone.”
My voice echoed in the silent classroom.
The students seemed unsure how to react, but I think my message got across for now.
“Seal Release.”
When I dispelled the magic, Famous’s restraints were lifted.
“Guh!? W-What just…!”
While warily glaring at Famous, who was turning the tip of his staff towards me in confusion, I opened my mouth.
“Now then, please proceed with the fire magic lesson. I expect you to give a lecture that anyone can understand. Of course, if there are students who can’t keep up, it’s due to the teacher’s lack of ability.”
I made sure to emphasize to Famous the importance of eliminating prejudice and discrimination based on class or race.
However, Famous clicked his tongue and averted his gaze from me.
“…This is Fidic Academy, the world’s top magic school. Those who can’t keep up with my lessons simply don’t belong here.”
With just that, Famous began his magic lecture.
I wondered what kind of class it would be, but it turned out to be relatively easy to understand.
Or perhaps it’s because he’s teaching from the basics while calling it intermediate fire magic. Maybe he actually listened to what I said.
I stood behind Famous, arms crossed, nodding to myself.



The rumor that Famous, a candidate for senior faculty, had been bested by a newcomer spread like wildfire.
For some reason, Eliza came running to me.
“A-Aoi-san!? Did you do something amazing on your first day!?”
Eliza cried out in a voice that sounded almost like a scream as she clung to me. When the petite, baby-faced Eliza hugged me with teary eyes, it stirred my protective instincts.
“W-Why are you patting my head!?”
“I couldn’t help it.”
Even an angry Eliza is cute, so I pat her head one more time. Eliza puffs out her cheeks and steps back.
“Stop playing around! This is serious!”
The angry Eliza starts explaining while waving her hands around.


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“Sensei Famous is from the Graus noble family in the Kingdom of Carvan, and he’s about to become a senior faculty member! Yet you crushed him so thoroughly!”
“I didn’t exactly crush him…”
“…Aoi-sensei! May I have a word!?”
Eliza began talking without lending an ear to anything I had to say.
According to Eliza, this academy serves as a proxy battlefield for the six great nations. When a student completes advanced or special classes, it raises the prestige of their home country.
The six nations constantly monitor the academy’s affairs, and noble teachers and students strive to increase their influence within the academy with a sense of tension.
Famous had been raising his status within the academy, which in turn had significantly elevated the reputation of the Graus family within the Kingdom of Carvan.
But apparently, I had insulted this Famous.
Fundamentally, I wish they wouldn’t turn an educational institution into something like this, and moreover, I’d rather not be dragged into such ridiculous power struggles.
“…I didn’t insult him. If anything, I was the one who was insulted.”
“Ah… I can easily imagine that…”
Eliza made a sad face at my words. However, she quickly returned to normal.
“But you mustn’t fight them head-on! Some people from noble families, especially high-ranking ones, will stop at nothing. You might even be killed if you’re not careful!”
“…I understand. I’ll be careful.”
As I said this, I smiled wryly, thinking that Eliza herself might be one of those high-ranking nobles.
After that, while calming Eliza down, she guided me to the cafeteria, and we had an early lunch together. The food was delicious and luxurious. Since it was free for faculty members, I enjoyed the meal without hesitation.

In the afternoon, I was able to accompany a wind magic class.
To my surprise, it was Strauss who came to pick me up.
“…Nice to see you.”
“Pleased to see you.”
Exchanging somewhat awkward greetings, I followed Strauss outside the school building.
We arrived at a place that looked like a large arena behind the school building. It was about the size of a 400-meter track field. The surroundings were enclosed by walls about three meters high.
Around fifty or sixty students had already gathered and were standing in line.
“…I will now take attendance.”
Saying this, Strauss began checking off names on the roster. There was no greeting to start the class or introduction of me, but I wondered if I should just wait.
As I crouched down to feel the reddish-brown earth with my palm, Strauss, having finished checking everyone’s names, looked at me.
“…Now, before we begin the beginner and intermediate wind magic class, I’d like you to give a greeting.”
Caught off guard by the sudden request, I unconsciously responded. I stood up, brushing the dirt off my palms.
“…I’ve become a faculty member starting today. My name is Aoi Konominato. It’s nice to meet you all. If you have any questions about magic, please feel free to ask.”
After introducing myself and bowing, I received scattered applause from the students.
Confirming this, Strauss nodded with satisfaction.
“Now, let’s begin the class. Form a line and cast the basic wind magic ‘Wind Touch’ towards this side.”
At Strauss’s instruction to start the class, the students hurriedly did as they were told.
The students began their incantations, raising their hands to face level.
The quicker ones immediately executed and activated their magic. The skilled ones could produce winds strong enough to push against their bodies. On the other hand, those who struggled could only manage winds slightly stronger than a gentle breeze.
While the group had varying levels of skill, I wondered how Strauss would teach them.
As I watched with interest, Strauss began rearranging the students’ positions one by one.
He arranged them so that those skilled in wind magic stood alternately with those who struggled, and had them cast their magic again. As a result, the overall strength of the wind increased.
Observing this, Strauss began to speak.
“Wind becomes stronger when bundled together. You should be able to sense the shape, movement, and strength of magical wind with your own senses, even if you can’t see it. Right now, you should be feeling a different sensation as you’re influenced by the wind created by those standing near you. Don’t forget this sensation.”
After saying this, Strauss cast the same wind magic as everyone else.
The wind blew fiercely with the force of a gust.
“Wind might seem like something impossible to grasp, but I think of it as similar to water. If you want to create strong, sharp winds, you should first release the wind widely, then concentrate it at the tips of your palms in one swift motion.”
Saying this, Strauss gradually concentrated the wind, increasing its pressure.
The moment its force exceeded a certain level, a sharp blade of wind cut across the red earth. It left a gash as if a dragon had clawed at the ground.
The students let out gasps of admiration, and several nodded in understanding.
It’s a very easy-to-understand lesson. At this rate, everyone should be able to properly learn up to intermediate magic.
As I was smiling at this thought, I noticed Strauss looking at me.
“Sensei Aoi. Do you have any advice to offer?”
Once again caught off guard by the sudden question, I hesitated for a moment before casting water magic.
I muttered, creating a dense fog in front of the students.
Looking at the surprised students and Strauss, I began to speak.
“By incorporating the mist into the wind, we can make it visible. Let’s have each person cast their magic in turn in this situation to learn how to use it.”
Upon hearing this, Strauss put a finger to his chin and mused.
“…I see. Indeed, this would make it easier for the instructors to teach. Moreover, it would facilitate understanding of more complex magic as well.”
As he spoke, Strauss also cast magic towards the dense fog.
The students exclaimed in surprise at the wind magic that spiraled upwards diagonally.
The students, who were genuinely amazed, suddenly became aware of my presence.
“We’d like to see Sensei Aoi’s wind magic too.”
Someone said, and everyone’s eyes turned to me. I thought Strauss might stop them, but even he looked interested.
It can’t be helped. Since they won’t settle down otherwise, I’ll demonstrate an interesting magic spell for the students to learn from.
“…Very well, everyone. I’ll show you the progression from beginner level, so watch carefully… Changing Tornado.”
I activated wind magic towards the center of the dense fog. The wind swirled inwards as if being drawn in, gradually rising.
“Gather the wind to increase its mass. Use all the momentum to create an inward-pulling force, while minimizing the upward escaping force.”
As I spoke, the wind that had engulfed the dense fog formed a wind dome, accumulating power with a roaring sound.
As the students held their breath and stepped back, I raised one hand.
“You can freely choose where this wind is directed. So, this time, let’s release it upwards.”
The moment I said this and released the magic, the wind dome became a tornado with a thunderous roar.
The raging tornado rose as if piercing the heavens, leaving the students’ expressions utterly dumbfounded.

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