“…Nice to meet you. I’m Aoi Konominato, a teacher at the magic academy.”
As I greeted him with a polite bow, Court quickly followed suit.
“I’m Court Hedge Butler. I’m from the Court Highland Federation.”
After Court introduced himself with a light bow, Aile spread her arms wide and showed a friendly smile.
“I’m Aile Hedge Butler! I’m Shenley’s friend! Nice to meet you!”
Following Aile’s bright greeting, Liz and Belle also introduced themselves and bowed. Shenley seemed pleased that Aile and the others had affirmed their friendship, fidgeting as she watched the proceedings. Noticing her tail wagging widely from the corner of my eye, the Master nodded, maintaining his stern expression.
“…There’s an empty terrace seat in the back on the second floor. For the order, you’ll have to leave it to me today.”
Court blinks in surprise at the Master’s gruff words. It’s probably unheard of for Court, an upper-class noble, to be treated this way even after introducing himself.
Seeing this, Shenley hastily steps forward, perhaps feeling flustered.
“Th-thank you very much! I’m looking forward to the Master’s cooking, it’s always delicious! N-now then, everyone, this way!”
Shenley efficiently guides the way to the stairs, leading the group as if she’s become a staff member.
As we follow her instructions and climb the stairs, proceeding down the hallway, we notice that the end is brightened by sunlight streaming in from outside.
At the end of the hallway, there’s a pair of wooden double doors, which Shenley opens. Suddenly, the sunlight that had been peeking through the gaps floods in, momentarily blinding us. We squint for a second before our vision adjusts.
It’s a terrace surrounded by waist-high walls. Trees about as tall as an adult man are placed in each corner. In the center, a round table is set with six chairs arranged around it. Both the chairs and the table are intricately decorated. Although there’s an overhanging roof, it’s cleverly designed not to obstruct the view.
The sky is crystal clear blue, and the surrounding buildings seem strategically placed to avoid interfering with the scenery. Or perhaps the terrace was positioned here precisely because of the layout of the surrounding buildings.
This refined and relaxing terrace is a stark contrast to what one might expect from the intimidating Master.
“…Wow, I think we might have lost this one,”
Aile mutters, looking troubled. Court nods with a wry smile.
“It’s not about winning or losing, but this terrace is truly wonderful. We don’t have to worry about prying eyes, and the view is hard to believe we’re in the middle of the city.”
Saying this, Court walks towards the back of the terrace. He places his hands on the railing, looking out.
“…I see. You can view all the way down the main street. And in the distance, the academy stands like a castle…”
“You’re right!”
“It’s beautiful.”
Seeing Court and Aile’s group exclaiming in delight as they take in the view, Shenley smiles happily.
“This is a really nice place. Thank you for introducing us to it, Shenley.”
When I say this, Shenley frantically waves her hands.
“N-no, not at all… I just happened to find this place by chance…”
She tries to be modest, but she can’t hide her delighted expression.
I feel an urge to ruffle her hair, but I resist.
As we sit in the chairs, chatting among ourselves, we hear the sound of the door to the terrace opening from the inn side. Turning to look, we see the intimidating Master carrying a small serving trolley in one hand like a bag.
It looks like a Western-style food carrier, but given the Master’s demeanor, it could be mistaken for transporting a weapon of mass destruction.
“I’ll set the table,”
We instinctively straighten our postures and nod.
However, as the dishes are being laid out, Shenley starts to panic.
“Um… th-this is…”
“The usual 500-coin student set for each person,”
the Master answers with a stern face, placing another dish on the table. There are already sandwiches and soup for each person, and even a whole large cake. Then, a dish of baked potatoes with seasoned meat is added.
Two types of what appear to be black tea are placed on the table in tea servers. The teacups have a cute floral pattern and come in five different colors.
Even I can’t help but speak up at this.
“Excuse me, I’m a teacher, so I’ll pay the appropriate price for five people.”
But the Master crosses his arms and shakes his head.
“…It’s just a service to encourage you to come again.”
Saying only that, the Master glances at the surprised Shenley. His eyes, though awkward, are full of affection, and it’s clear that this is more than just a service.
Perhaps he wants Shenley to come back with us again. I’m not sure how he figured it out, but maybe the Master was worried about Shenley in his own way.
Realizing this, Shenley tears up and lowers her head.
The Master looks at me, gives a slight bow, and leaves.
Aile and the others tilt their heads and exchange glances, but Court smiles wryly and gestures towards the table, saying:
“After being treated so well, it would be shameful for a noble of the Federation not to return the favor. Let’s make sure to visit again, all five of us.”
At Court’s suggestion, Shenley looks up in surprise.
Seeing Shenley’s face with tears welling up, Aile and the others look startled. The three of them have a quick, hushed exchange, then look surprised again.
Then, turning to us with exaggerated gestures, they spread their arms wide to express their joy.
“Really?! We can all come again?! Hooray!”
“Let’s come back soon!”
“Yes, let’s do that!”
As the three happily start pouring tea into their cups, Shenley hurriedly takes hold of the tea server.
“I-I’ll pour for everyone!”
She says, pouring tea into mine and Court’s cups. Her profile shows she’s trying hard to hold back tears of joy, and while I feel a slight pang of sadness, a warm feeling spreads through my chest.
“…Shenley. This is a good place, with a good Master, isn’t it?”
As I murmur this, Shenley smiles through her tears and nods vigorously.
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After leisurely enjoying our meal, while the four others curiously explore the first floor of the shop, I approach the Master.
“Thank you very much. Shenley was very happy.”
The Master raises an eyebrow at this and nods.
“…That’s my line. Come again, will you?”
Smiling at the Master’s words, I lower my voice.
“…Master, how did you know about Shenley?”
When I ask this vaguely, the Master heaves a deep sigh.
“Many beast-folk students from the academy come to this shop. Among their gossip, I heard that she was being bullied. They weren’t mocking her, but rather expressing concern. However, recently, those stories stopped, and instead, I started hearing rumors about a strange female teacher appearing. They say this teacher scattered the royalty and helped Shenley.”
Saying this, the Master bows deeply.
“Honestly, I couldn’t believe a teacher like you existed. Thank you for helping Shenley. Please, take care of her.”
His words and attitude were sincere. Returning a smile, I speak.
“Of course. I promise that Shenley will have the best academy life possible.”
I answer clearly and firmly.
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